Educational visits to the farm

Our alpaca farm is perfect if you’re hoping for an interesting educational discovery with animals. Visit the farm and meet your teaching aims for the students, with an interesting addition.

Come and learn English!

Do you want to improve your English in a fun and informal environment surrounded by beautiful friendly alpacas? We are launching Alpacas and English!! This is not a traditional English lesson. While you feed and get to know our gentle herd, we will tell you all about them in French and in English. As students of the French language ourselves we know how intimidating learning in a traditional setting can be, so we hope that you will enjoy this novel approach with your alpaca teachers! Sessions are 10€ for an hour and open to a maximum ten people per session, bookable at the bottom of this page. You can pre book four sessions for 35€ by contacting us.

We will create your visit around your students’ educational needs. This can be as short or as long as you like, a 1 hour visit or afternoon stay. We are passionate about interesting, fun and insightful education. We specialise in agriculture, running a local business and english language.

We can work with you to create and provide a workbook for your students to ensure you meet their learning needs

We use a light touch and trust work with our alpacas and this is the technique that is exceptional to these animals. We are happy to demonstrate this to your group, and depending on the time of year, can show you some of the routine care needed.

A unique experience

Whether it’s agricultural, business, local discoveries or english language training, ask ask about how we can help your learning needs

Price - Contact us to discuss your needs and our price tiers on offer for educational visits