Discover the alpacas and wool workshop

Discover the alpacas and their wool workshop - In a few precious hours you will learn about the species, feed and give basic care to the animals. Will and Sophie will teach you a few things about health checks and how to handle and herd the animals.

We hold three workshops: a 3 hour summer wool workshop, a 4 hour winter wool workshop and a 2 hour school holiday workshop - details below!

You will learn about their origins and understand their needs whilst preparing and giving them their daily meal. You’ll discover what can be produced from them: fertilisers and items made from their wool.

You will also learn how to create your own felted article to take home!

It’s a great way to bond with the herd and interact with each of them in their own preferred way - you’ll probably have picked a favourite, whose wool you can use for your souvenir to remember them.

We will teach you about the incredible qualities of alpaca wool

We’ll show you how we use it and then guide you to create your own souvenir from wet felting with the alpaca wool.

2 hour winter workshop; They will help feed the alpacas their nutritious food and felt a small piece of alpaca wool for a souvenir to take home to remember meeting these magical creatures

3 hour summer workshop; You will have a choice of making a felted soap, or piece of felted wool to get creative with to make into a bookmark, or perhaps a coaster or even a wool pouch for your phone.

4 hour winter workshop; You will create hand-warmers to place in the microwave to heat, and whilst your felt dries, have hot drinks and toasted marshmallows after feeding the alpacas.

We run this once a month, but we can also run this for your own private group with a minimum of 2 people - see how the Minta family enjoyed their private workshop.

Just contact us to ask for a date and quote for your group

Price - School holiday wool workshop (2 hours) €15 per person

summer workshop (3 hours) €45 per person,

winter workshop (4 hours) €49 per person

Over 5 year olds only for the normal workshop, unless booking a private workshop