
Quite possibly “top alpaca” of the herd, Blaze commands respect from the others and always wins the food bowls. She gave birth to our Blossom in March 2021, who she still has a very strong bond with. Sunbathing and a dust bath are two of her favourite activities. Blaze has a lot of confidence and curiosity which are lovely to see her display with our farm visitors

Adopt Blaze

If you adopt Blaze, you’re not only getting yourself, or someone for a gift, a year long subscription to newsletters all about Blaze and the farm, you’re supporting this small business and becoming a part of our journey. As well as this, some of the possibilities your adoption fee pays for and gives Blaze are:

  • Feeds Blaze special nutirents alpacas need for 1 year

  • Blaze’s annual injection and any necessary parasite treatments

  • 3 fence repairs to keep Blaze safe

  • 2 cans of petrol to help us maintain healthy pasture for Blaze

  • 10 bales of hay, which will feed Blaze for the duration of the adoption

  • 7 bags of carrots… which is too much for Blaze to eat in a year, but given the chance, she would!

  • A paddling pool and hours of splash and cooling-down fun

  • A new bowl she can get to fist once she’s finished her dinner so that Blaze can eat more than any of her sisters